Freedom’s On The March?

Once it became clear the Bush administration’s original, loudly trumpeted, and wildly over-hyped rationale for invading Iraq four and a half years ago was a total fabrication, the President himself and every other enabler and apologist for the idea that the United States ought to — indeed, is destined to — exercise hegemony over the entire planet — all — have relied on one, or both, of two arguments to explain the expense of lives and treasure, and excuse the rising instability and danger that have been the consequences of that ill-fated decision:

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As The Turd Turns

Karl Rove gave President Bush his two week notice on Monday. After August 31, the liberal media, and the moonbat blogosphere, and the netroots won’t have him to kick around anymore.

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Trouble Comin’ Every Day

Beleaguered Attorney General Alberto “Fredo” Gonzales was back on Capitol Hill last week, where he continued to deny that he or anyone else he could think of placed the names of up to nine United States Attorneys on a list of Justice Department employees who were forced to resign their positions last winter after having been identified by “senior leadership of the department” as being insufficiently loyal to White House political objectives.

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The Biggest Dick In America

Does anyone else want to kill Dick Cheney? I mean put both hands around his fat, fleshy windpipe and just choke the life out of the bastard? Or get not-quite-falling-down drunk and shoot him in the face with a shotgun? How about hang him from the end of a good, sturdy rope and film it all with a cell phone camera? Maybe just waterboard him once a day for every American who’s been killed or wounded in Iraq…

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