The State of the Union

The State of the Union — if, by Union we mean that confederation of interests and outlooks joined together more than two centuries ago to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity — is not nearly as good as the President assured the assembled members of Congress and an increasingly disapproving public tonight.

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Battle Lines Being Drawn

The big dawgs of the American political and social frontier are frantically marking their territories now; it shan’t be long before their growling turns to barking in earnest and the fur begins to fly.

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Out, Damned Spot!

American charities became unwitting beneficiaries of millions of dollars in contributions today as Republican lawmakers, including the President of the United States, sought to wash their hands of a once-fruitful and symbiotic relationship with Jack Abramoff, the former high-flying K Street macher who pled guilty to three felony counts of bribery and racketeering in Washington, DC Federal District Court on Tuesday.

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Le Fait Accompli

For reasons known only to themselves, many of the nation’s 100 senators remained in Washington, DC yesterday evening, ostensibly going about the business of the Legislative branch, while their counterparts in the House of Representatives adjourned for the year. After the winter recess, one might reasonably question why any of them should bother returning for the 2nd session of the 109th Congress, given that President George W. Bush has effectively rendered their work meaningless.

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Your Cheatin’ Heart

Perhaps a few readers will remember a post I made somewhat in advance of the 2004 election cycle, imploring citizens everywhere to take note of the mechanisms by which we effect our electoral perogatives. If not, you can refer to it here.

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Lather, Rinse, Repeat

President Bush made yet another “major policy” speech on the war in Iraq today, accompanied by the release of his National Strategy for Victory in Iraq, a 35 page document attractively bound in a cover of red, white, and blue.

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November 15

Although we have been made to believe that if we let go we will end up with nothing, life itself reveals again and again the opposite: letting go is the path to real freedom.

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